I can recall a couple of sermons that Bishop talked about in regards to a life plan. He discussed how “dates determine destiny.” Basically, we need to set a date for ourselves, pray over it and grow in faith to obtain our set goals. After some thought, prayer, and confirmation, I have decided to write the vision of my 5 year plan. Everything may not work out as I plan BUT I do know all things work together for good for those who love him and for those who are called to his purpose- Romans 8:28

* Faith by itself, if it does not have works, is DEAD- James 2:17

Alana’s Vision
5 Year Plan: Write it Down, Make it Plain

Ø  Each and everyday is a work in progress to grow in my relationship with Christ. Setting aside time each day for just him and I alone. I inherit Christ-Like characters through each trial laid in front of me. To be completely sold out to God (overall goal; whether 5 days or 5 years)

Ø  Graduate in December 15, 2012 with a Bachelors degree in Communication: this by far will be my best semester of undergrad (CLAIMING IT !!!)

Ø  Complete my Masters at the Truman School of Public Affairs at the University of Missouri with my specialty area in Non-Profit Management by December 2014

Ø  While working on my Masters, I plan to network with others in Non Profit who have a heart to help fathers just as I do. Learn the ins and outs of the laws and policies regarding fathers (non custodial parents)

Ø  Continue to mentor other teen parents, this time through a spiritual foundation

Ø  Strengthen my relationship with my daughter; show more compassion and be more attentive; raise her in the way that she should go

Ø  Closer towards the end of my five year goal, I would like to be in the process of either starting my own Non Profit or joining one similar such as Father Support Center or National Fatherhood Initiative

Ø  If in his will, I would like to pursue modeling again. If that takes off to be successful, I will use that as a platform to be involved in philanthropy

Ø  ¼ done with paying back school loans

Ø  Engaged to the man God has ordained for me

Ø  Alive, healthy, blessed, and COMPLETELY sold out for Christ

A lot in 5 years, BUT I have an abundance of faith that these goals can and will be obtained.

Please help me pray in agreement over my vision. 

8/16/2012 07:28:14 am

I know with faith all this can and will be achieved. GOD BLESS


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